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2 Minute Granola Bites

Denise ChiribogaNutrition, Recipes

So I’ve been thinking about making granola bars for some time now. But I haven’t quite figured out how to make granola bars with the homemade granola that I make. I’ve seen granola bar recipes online, but nothing has been helping me figure out how to make the granola bars without loads of sugar or dates. So I’ve turned to the next best snack and even quicker too; granola bites.


granola mixing bowl

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti natural sugar; we have lots of coconut sugar, maple syrup, raw honey and dried fruit in our house. But it just so happens that I’m currently doing a 28 challenge which means I’m eliminating natural sugars and dried fruits.  It’s my own 28 day-lets-see-if-i-can-get-my-abs-popping challenge.

Although I’m vlogging it and will be posting the completed video once I’m done, this is the first time I’ve  “announced” it online.

Back to the granola bites.

While there are tonnes of recipes online for protein balls and bites, bliss balls, energy bites…and I could go on. I really wanted to make something super fast, and something that would fit into my no-sugar way of eating.

Because I always have homemade super seed granola on hand in mason jars in the fridge (because double batch granola making is what I do!) I use it in this recipe cause it’s just so fast, plus my kids love my homemade granola so this recipe just makes sense.


For those of you who don’t care about adding natural sugar to your diet, this recipe is easily modified by adding 1tsp of honey to make the granola bites a bit sweeter.

As for the granola bars….I’ll keep working on them, and give you the recipe once I’ve perfected the recipe!


2 Minute Granola Bites

2 Minute Granola Bites


  • 4 level Tbsp homemade granola (see recipe here:
  • 1 Tbsp nut butter (a little more than level) (I like almond, for school safe snacks we use sunflower butter)
  • 3 Tbsp shredded coconut to coat (optional)
  • Optional Additions:
  • cacao nibs
  • chocolate chips
  • raisins


  1. place all ingredients in one bowl and mix well with a fork
  2. wet your hands and roll mixture into 5-7 small balls (wet hands prevents the mixture from sticking to your hands)
  3. Roll each ball into shredded coconut
  4. Enjoy
  5. Store in fridge for a quick grab and go snack.
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