What is diastasis recti

Diastasis Recti: What It Is + How To Fix It

Denise ChiribogaNew Mama, Postnatal Fitness

By far the question I get asked the most is: “How can I get rid of my mummy tummy?”

I know this because that’s the goal of most of the moms who are my personal training clients, as well as the moms who are in my group Strong Mom group fitness class. But most notably, 98% of moms who join us over in the Strong Mom Community Facebook group also write that it is what they want to improve the most about their postpartum bodies.

So mamas, I’ll be dedicating my YouTube Channel, weekly emails and conversations over on the Strong Mom Facebook group to helping you heal your mummy tummy this coming new year.

However, I must address the term “mummy tummy”.

Yes mummy tummy might just be the extra weight around your midsection after having a baby, but more than likely it’s an actual condition called Diastasis Recti, or Abdominal Separation as it is sometimes called. 

To help you start healing your mummy tummy, and to help you figure out if you have diastasis recti or not, this week’s video is all about educating you about WHAT Diastasis Recti is, and WHAT it may look like. 

PS, Diastasis isn’t just for moms who’ve recently had babies. You may have had your babies many years ago, and it not something that goes away on its own.

Click here to find out if you may have Diastasis Recti.


Leave a comment below and let me know if you’d like help healing your mummy tummy/ab separation/diastasis recti this 2020 New Year.

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