Denise in kitchen with food

How to Stop Snack Cravings For Fat Loss + Boost Energy

Denise ChiribogaHealth, Nutrition, Postnatal Nutrition

I’ve got some food rules for ya’. 

They’re not diet rules! 

They’re more like strategic ways I add the necessary nutrients into my meals so that I’m not a hangry mom (ie: hungry and angry at the same time). 

These “food rules” of mine have changed the way I eat and the way I snack, so that I stay fuller longer after each meal, which means I don’t have cravings for crappy snack food, which also means I have more:


👍more mental clarity

👍a better mood

👍with the added satisfaction that I’m not adding any unnecessary and unwanted extra lbs to my hips. (I wish it went to my boobs to tell you the truth, ‘cause in that case I’d be eating my way from my small B cup to a C cup!)

But because we can’t tell our food and calories where we want them to go…make sure to stick with my 3 food strategies and make sure to try out my awesome afternoon #snackhack to keep you energized and away from unnecessary afternoon snacking.

I break down my 3 Snack Craving Killer Strategies in this video.

Let me know below what is your fav way to feeling fuller longer and energized throughout the day.

In Fitness & Nutrition

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